Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to make efficient to-do lists

To do lists are necessary in every student's life. It helps them remember due dates, assignments and things that need to get done on that day. They are simple tools that help you solve complex problems. To-do lists are helpful when you are forgetful so you will never have a late assignment again. To make a to do list:
  1. Take a 5" by 7" sheet of paper, fold it up and put in your pocket.
  2. Carry a pen or pencil with you at all times.
  3. Whenever you hear that you have an assignment, something due etc, quickly jot it down.
    1. The most efficient way to jot it down would be like this:
Whenever you finish one task quickly check it off. It is absoulutly reccomended that you complete all the tasks that you have written down.At the end of the day, you will feel good that you have completely done everything on your to-do-list.

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